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Thanks for the (again) surprisingly accurate summary, Stagnant. I've been trying to keep on top of transparency and staying active via the weekly posts, but not everybody sees/reads them so it's understandable for some to have questions.

I will be updating the description soon to better reflect the current state of the game and make some answers clearer. ( ̄▽ ̄)

(5 edits) (+3)

It's all good. If you want me to stop posting this message, just mention so (Dm me on Discord, if you'd rather say so there, for whatever reason.) I understand that it's a large message to have cycling through your comments, even if I delete the old ones after I post a new one.

If you don't say anything, however, I think I'm going to keep occasionally posting them, up until the game description is changed. It's nothing against you, I just can't stand people that come across a dead-ish/slow-updating game, and just fill the comments with nothing but 'Is it being updated?' and 'Was the game dropped?', or the likes. (Perfect example, Forest of Love, by Carrot. That was a summary of 95% of comments, for around exactly 365 days, between the Demo and Act 1.)