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well this is delightful so far, excited to have a seasonal game! it did just crash and apparently does not auto save so that's a bummer but i wasn't very far in

oh no! the exact same crash happened! it was a weird half-crash that didn't crash the app but just put me back on the main menu

i'm running on mac and it happens when you talk to stella in town  and say you're worried about your cousin. it goes through the whole dialogue but crashes before a new option prompt appears

Hey! Sorry you're running into some issues! Do you have a bug report or does it just crash to your desktop? What version of Mac OS are you running? The game does autosave, by the way! They're kept under the "A" tab in the saved games menu.

it actually just quits out to the main menu, no crash report. i'm running catalina 10.15.6

i have a save right before the crash happens, you just have to choose the 'worry' option. i can probably extract the save file if that's helpful but i'm not sure where to find it

Fixed it! We'll put out a patch soon.

cool thanks!