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Interesting puzzles! I did have some problems getting the game to work cause it showed the starting page weird, like only a quarter of the game and I couldn't read which key to press to start the game, so I just bashed some keys and then it started luckily and the screen was ok again. Besides that just a little trouble understanding the mechanics (only swapping in a straight line and not understanding why I couldn't move in a certain area when it went red, maybe I'm a bit slow today hehe), but when I got used to it, I really like the simplicity of it but still fun and challenging puzzles!


Thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback!

I think it has to do with some monitors not showing text properly because of lighting, in a later version I'll make sure to make the text stand out better regardless. I'm also planning on adding some more visuals regarding the swapping mechanic so it's clearer. :)