Fun game! Definitely difficult though! I never got too far, but it was enjoyable enough that I wanted to play it again multiple times.
I really like the concept of the alien removing functions of your ship. It's a fun twist on this type of game. You get a standard top down shooter, but you also have to keep an eye on the alien. I could see this idea being expanded on even more like having the alien switching the wires so Q acts like W and W acts like Q and other things like that.
I also appreciated all the animations you added with the alien when he's sabotaging the ship. From switching cords to flipping the steering wheel and even being zapped by the battery. It added personality to the game.
Overall, great job with the concept! It fits the theme well. The art and animations are charming and the game is fun if maybe a bit difficult, but that could be just me.
Thanks for submitting!