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Ok, I haven't even played the remake demo yet but I just have to say:
WOW that trailer is nostalgic! :D I remember playing the original back on deviantart back in the day. It was one of my favorites, so seeing the familiar title here made me do a double-take. (Although I do remember the mini games being a bit tricky, they did have their charm. Newer players will never know what we went through lol.)
Isis looks so different with dark hair! Actually, everyone does. :o But I'm glad I can still recognize them! Like Candice and her blonde hair. ^_^ (I'm really curious to see if Izzy still looks like you-know-who.)
Also... Chris is romancable now?! I remember he was my favorite in the original (that is... until you-know-what happened.) It's going to be interesting seeing how his route plays out. ;) Also, Candice and Demian sound like a really cute ship? I've never thought of those two together before, however, they were definitely among the more memorable characters in this game! They were more fleshed out in comparison to the rest of the staff so I can see why you'd have a side story focus on them.
Thank you for bringing this back! I look forward to seeing all the changes. :')