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That makes sense. Enemy variation plays a major role in the games difficulty and strategies that you use while playing the game. I'd be interested in seeing what you add in the post-jam version. :)

Clearly I'm a big fan of Godot. :) It's such a fantastic engine, especially for 2D development. I used Unity for a while some years ago but felt generally meh about it. I tried Godot and that same day I was all <3 <3 <3. Funny you should mention that video though. During this jam I went back to take a look at that video to get inspiration from Miziziziz's boss in his game, since I found it so enjoyable.

Glad you were inspired enough to join game jams, your game was quite nice and I think you have a lot of potential as a developer, so keep it up and good luck!


Thanks, that really means a lot! I'll try my best!!!