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(1 edit)

Thank you for expanded feedback! It’s really valuable :3

The goal is to relax and explore! There aren’t any tasks or an endgame: you just experiment, take selfies and create your very own island in this sandbox.

The woman in a black dress is one of three secrets. Congrats on finding it! It is interactive and has its own fusions. This all is fully optional and just gives you more options for interesting selfies.

Dragging is here because it started as a mobile-first game, though I didn’t have much time to make it fully mobile-friendly in the main mode. It makes more sense in creative mode on mobile. But yeah, PCs can just click the rune, then click an object 👌

The music is loaded after other assets in the main menu to quicken the first launch. Stuttering and stopping are because of connection speed. The loading process can surely be better tho.