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(1 edit)

Hi Luriel,

Absolutely delighted by your game. 

I'm just popping by to ask about the correct route to unlock Ben & Arzhu (Top) and Ben & Conrad (Top) scenes. Must be something I missed from previous chaps as I did go through every single option within chap 7. Many thanks for your instructions/hints. 

BTW hopefully I get to see Jeffrey more often in upcoming storylines (or mini games and monthly CG sets). Seems to me he's not really a fan favourite but I'm happy with the development of the character and of course love how boiling HOT he looks when getting with Ben!!

Keep up the good work. Cheers mate.

Hi Frankie, thanks for your comment, I am very happy to know that you enjoy the game, thanks. As for the route, it is the same, but you have to win the mini-game that appears before the scene, then the game will ask you which character you want as Active or Passive. Hug

Thanks for the tips. I managed to unlock them both :)