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Hello Txori.

So I read in the comments that you are duplicating the camera.
I actually tried that myself with a small three.js vr game.

That method is not going to work on the quest. Just to completely sure, I installed the early access version from the playstore.
Unfortunately it does not work, as I expected. It starts, but the controllers are not mapped correctly (which makes sense),
screen is not full screen but windowed, and when enabling vr, it just adds an extra screen next to it.

It's a shame, because this would have been a great game with a nice retro feel, a bit like Minotaur Arcade on the psvr.

Kind regards



Thanks for this clever information. I'll take a look at quest devkit. If they have simple dll, maybe I could use it with ZGameEditor. But it shouldn't be that simple...


Great, I'll be sure to check back sometime soon. Good luck Txori!


Omeganaut is free until next update if you want to try :)

Just stumbled on that old topic:

As I said before, the main problem is the price of the device 😅