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Day 10?

I took most of the weekend off but got back to hard work today! I finally finished the paw swipe mechanic (just need to mirror it for the other paw).

I figured out something even better for the origin problem that I was having than having to go into Blender for every single model. Turns out Godot calculates based on the center of the RigidBody, not the child mesh, so you can just offset the mesh from the Body! With that knowledge, I'm not nearly as intimidated by having to populate an entire apartment with physics objects. 

Speaking of the apartment, that's what I did today! The cat now has (most of) a home. I still need to add most of the walls and the little physics items, but I think I got a lot done today.  I have a foundation where I can start building win conditions into the game and be mostly happy with stopping there. Before this I was a little worried about finishing in time, but now I think I'll be fine.