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(Your game begins at 19:30)

Now, I have had limited experiences with Sleep Paralysis. Or rather, I hesitate to call what I HAVE experienced Sleep Paralysis, at it was never as extreme as the way people describe it, but no doubt unpleasant. And well this game leaves me considering myself lucky.

You'd think a game where you don't move at all 85% of the time wouldnt work, but making it such a struggle to move at all perfectly fits the game theme and the sense of desperation.

At worst, there was a few moments that got more goofy than scary (the bear's laugh, for instance), but all the same, this was a terrifying, cool little experience and gameplay experiment. Great job.

Thank you for your kind words! We definitely experimented with a gameplay that focuses mainly on eye movement to enhance the experience. It's still rough around the edges and it certainly has room for improvement, so thank you for the feedback! We're glad you enjoyed the game. :)