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(1 edit)

Simple enough.  Only hard part was figuring out that to teleport back you need to enter the code in backwards.  Also, unclear if there is any ending besides the one where you give up the sword.  The game seemed very ending-y before the forest-y place, but then you go through a bit and *then* it ends, which was weird.  Not sure if I did something wrong there.  Front door dialogue after the stairs happen is pretty good.  Puzzles and how to solve them were, as mentioned, telegraphed well.  That killing the friendly monsters is probably a kindness is set up effectively.

(6 edits)

Oh, no, that's the only ending there is, sorry. You do have a point, though, there are things about this game that don't fit together too well narratively/conceptually, I just couldn't stand polishing and editing it any longer. Thanks for the response, glad you stuck with it all the way to the end and didn't hate it.