Wow Little Shadow has some impressive forestry art, I've never seen anything like it. The platform scenery is also beyond magnificent. The gameplay itself feels pretty basic because I can only move my player around and press 4 different keys to perform the same attack animation and type. I personally though the 4 different controls that are related to attacking, are the different attack types (e.g. light attack, heavy attack, special attack, etc.). But hey, who am I to judge the game so harshly? It's looking impressive so far. I lose a lot of health relatively fast even when I'm not way too close to the enemy and I'm trying to kill him. The dying animation is just downright glorious to see every time I restart the game. Although when I restart the game, it feels like the game autosaves my progress indirectly because even when I restarted from the beginning, the enemies I once killed earlier are not there anymore. Either that was intended or it's a bug, but either way it's a nice little autosave system, unintentionally implemented. What a nice looking game, either update the game after the jam's ratings are set in place or make new games, applying the knowledge and learn more stuff to make really complicated games!