Ah yes, dev-starship-troopers-il daggers
Kinda unreal how fun the general movement of the ship feels. I hesitate to call it perfect, but it's definitely almost there. I think all that really needs to be changed is the speed while ascending or descending should be increased somewhat
I managed to get till 33% of the first mission and I love pretty much everything about this so far. Love how the general enemies are basically pac-man and how good the sound indicators are
However, I'm not really a fan of how the enemies more or less look the same when they're all clumped up together and trying to get you. It's kinda impossible to indistinguish between them since they're all pretty much the same colour and texture
And I'm not really sure if you need to have the overheat bar because with the amount you get swarmed, you're definitely going to be dodging a lot. It seems like an unnecessary thing to add to the amount of things the player has to keep track of.
That said, if you want to keep it, I think it should be made slightly more forgiving ( i.e the amount that gets added to the bar should be a little lesser when you dodge or boost too much ) or you should have some way to decrease the bar ( if there is then I guess you can ignore this lol )
Edit : I played more and realised that killing enemies restores health. I guess that last bit I said is a moot point kek
Apart from that though, Definitely playing more. Great job on this so far