Ok thats probably the best Entry I played yet. Such a great Game and I really love the Paper Mario-like Artstyle! Theres a few Bugs I faced yet. If youre in a Game and you rewind Time, it sometimes can happen that youre stuck in the Game Menu and can't quit anymore. The only thing you can do is hope that the menu dissappears if you rewind the Time even farther or if that doesnt work a restart (which of course resets the whole progress). The 2nd Bug I faced was on the Pokertable where sometimes you wont get any cards (or sometimes not only you but also some of the other Players). you cant select cards because of that for discarding and after that you lose/win depending on what cards anyone had which you cant see. if you rewind time you can then see the cards but still buggy and dissappearing again. Other than that I really love the Rewing Mechanic!