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Thank you for the answer,

Can we ask more, how about grotesque images like splatter house or similar?

or maybe tone it down to only implicitly?

Thank you for the support!


Thank you for your question! It is actually a very good one, sorry for our late reply.

The winning game should be able to get a rating (from CERO, ESRB, PEGI...) to be published on Switch so take this into consideration when determining the direction of the game.

Additionally, the clause "contain material offensive to the general public" includes any game with content that is illegal or immoral, so such titles will not be considered 

I hope this answer helps!

(1 edit)

Thank you!
That helped a lot and will start concept our game now.

It will be a dating sims of monster girls in interspecies exchange, hopefully you will like it :D

Best Regards,
