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Everblue rated a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.

Why is this free?

A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.
Batsy1729 rated a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.

beautifully designed, great work. 

A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.
oracle85 rated a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.
hedgefield rated a game 6 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.

Enjoyed this game a lot! The mix of 2D and 3D is a nice style that I like, the setting and dialogue was funny, and the puzzles weren't too hard. I was waiting for how stupid the secret would be and it was pretty stupid, so good payoff ha. I found the controls to be a little laggy, otherwise great entry.

teknic rated a game 6 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.

Very well done for a free jam game!

whilefun updated a game 6 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
1 new upload: 73 MB
quasiotter rated a game 6 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
munkybut rated a game 6 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.

"Terrible Camera: The Game"

Very pretty though.

Guilherme Tognetti updated a Block Busters 6 years ago
A downloadable Block Busters for Linux.
Updated page content. Set type to Downloadable.
SPCTR rated a game 6 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.
Guilherme Tognetti updated a Block Busters 6 years ago
A downloadable Block Busters for Linux.
Updated title and page content. Added platform Linux.
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