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The Charming Adventures of Uncharming Gary, soon to become the Charming Gary's pageAre you participating in the Novice, Intermediate, or Advanced category?
Please explain why your team qualifies for the category you chose.
This is our first time making a game. We have zero years of experience in game development.
How does your game relate to the theme?
In this Wild West RPG world, each person has a charm level, The person with the most charm gets the role of town ruler. In our game, the character (Gary) must increase his charm to win. His charm is increased in three ways.
1. Collecting hidden charms
2. Charming town's women
3. Battling men
Thus, our game incorporates multiple definitions of charm:
- charm for charming personality (Gary gets more charming visually as his charm increases)
- charm can also be a small object of value, the game has hidden charm objects
- charm is also the ability to seem attractive to others, the townswomen find Gary attractive
Specify any and all pre-made assets in your submission.
we have no premade assets. Everything was developed by the team during the duration of the hackathon
Where can we contact you?,,
By submitting, you and your team agree to all rules listed.
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