The early levels feel like they introduce movement and gameplay concepts slowly enough to be easily absorbed, but not so slow as to become uninteresting.
In later levels, there are pits that the player can fall into, but cannot climb out of. I found myself wishing that there was some kind of hazard at the bottom so that I didn't have to manually press escape to restart the level.
The collision area placement for coins feels misaligned - some coins that are low enough to visually intersect with the player still require a jump to collect.
Some other small friction points included the retry button not having focus when displaying the death screen (which would allow pressing space or enter to allow the player to continue without touching the mouse), and some issues with enemy collision, where jumping on a falling enemy would result in death and sometimes jumping on them wouldn't kill them at all.
I also found it a little awkward that enemies do not continue processing once their collision area is offscreen, and since that is slightly smaller/lower than their sprite, enemies visibly stop mid-air at the bottom of the screen.
I hope you had a positive experience with Godot, and thanks for doing Linux builds!
Taking into account that this is based on a GDQuest tutorial/example project, I feel like I should mostly focus on level design here.
The early levels feel like they introduce movement and gameplay concepts slowly enough to be easily absorbed, but not so slow as to become uninteresting.
In later levels, there are pits that the player can fall into, but cannot climb out of. I found myself wishing that there was some kind of hazard at the bottom so that I didn't have to manually press escape to restart the level.
The collision area placement for coins feels misaligned - some coins that are low enough to visually intersect with the player still require a jump to collect.
Some other small friction points included the retry button not having focus when displaying the death screen (which would allow pressing space or enter to allow the player to continue without touching the mouse), and some issues with enemy collision, where jumping on a falling enemy would result in death and sometimes jumping on them wouldn't kill them at all.
I also found it a little awkward that enemies do not continue processing once their collision area is offscreen, and since that is slightly smaller/lower than their sprite, enemies visibly stop mid-air at the bottom of the screen.
I hope you had a positive experience with Godot, and thanks for doing Linux builds!