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Results Page 2

27 entries were submitted between 2017-11-01 00:00:00 and 2018-02-04 23:59:59. 100 ratings were given to 27 entries (96.4%) between 2018-02-04 23:59:59 and 2018-03-04 23:59:59. The average number of ratings per game was 3.6 and the median was 4.

Bombs 2 Peace

by mjun

Ranked 27th in Creativity; innovation & originality across design, concept & execution with 3 ratings (Score: 1.155)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Gameplay; core mechanics, objectives, balancing, progression#271.4431.667
Features; gameplay enhancements, integrated systems#271.1551.333
UI & UX; visual design, clarity & ease of use, guidance, accessibility support#271.1551.333
Creativity; innovation & originality across design, concept & execution#271.1551.333