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Looking for games to play!

A topic by IanGoGo created Oct 27, 2022 Views: 124 Replies: 9
Viewing posts 1 to 5

Hey Everyone!

I'm looking for some cool projects to play! I can play either web or windows games. I will do my best to provide the best feedback I can.

If you'd like to play and rate my project, here is the link:

My game "Back from the Brink" originated as a gift for my best friend. After continuing to work on it, it got shifted to the back burner as other projects such as the GMTK jam took precedence.  Eventually work stopped on it entirely. For this jam I picked the project up again. After adding a new side quest, removing some of the inside jokes and patching a few bugs I'm proud to present my largest public game to date!


This is a really short one:


I enjoyed the simple one screen puzzle, it feels like a really good setup to a fun puzzle game!

My only suggestion currently is to add a press 'E' above the note since most players will not remember that when they reach it

Overall a solid start!


My one


Fun and very atmospheric! Got everything but for some reason it wouldn't let me shoot the gun at the ghost.

I did find a bug where pressing E to pick up an object would sometimes drop the current object and sometimes let you pick up multiple stuff like the gun and the flashlight at once.

If you wanted to improve I suggest making the player either not cast a shadow or giving it a character model. It kinda took me out of the game to see the shadow of a capsule as I went around.

Overall a fun little game and a great first 3d project. Good work!


Here is my tiny game ✌️


got a demo for my game made, check it out :D


Easily one of my favorite games of the jam! The story managed to suck me in and the character work is nicely done. The amount of config options is super impressive and really helps to customize the experience, a lot of turn based RPGs fall into the trap of feeling stale quickly but the amount of options help this to stay fresh! The little conversations in battle like with the haunted armor in chapter 2 were fun as well, it helps to add depth to the characters and situation.

Here's a few suggestions:

1) Right click to close a menu feels strange. I'm not sure I've seen a game do that before, it took me a while to figure out. 

2) The red outline on the edge of movement feels like it should be the limit of where you can move to rather then inaccessible spaces. 

3) Chapter 3 lets you select the Allies but not control them which felt super confusing. I recommend giving them a different select thing (such as seeing stats but not movement range). Also some sort of highlight around your party to know who you can move would be nice.

4) When skipping a battle scene (like when one characters runs up and attacks another) some sort of summary should pop up, maybe floating numbers above the characters showing the amount of damage done. I did see a floating number option in the config options but I feel like something should still show when you skip a scene.

Overall an incredible game! I can't wait to see what you do with it going forward!


thank you, your comment made my day, and i'll take those suggestions to mind!


I'll be sure to let you know when the full game is out!