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How are people getting the artist's links?

A topic by Magso created Apr 26, 2021 Views: 152 Replies: 8
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I've credited all the music and artists in my game but I'm gathering we should put links to the artists in the description as well?


It would be appreciated to credit the artists in the game description as well if possible yeah :) Putting it in the game itself is awesome too!


So links aren't required? My game iterates and substrings the credits so I didn't have to keep updating it because I used so many songs, this made me mildly panic about the description XD


If you mention the artist links are inside the game in the description it should be fine. It's nice to include it in the game description, but if it's super long I agree it's a bit of a pain haha


I found the bandcamp page but not all the artists provided links.

HostSubmitted (1 edit) (+1)

If there isn't a link, you can just include the artist's name. There is a PDF included in the OST ZIP file with all this info too :) 

I'll make sure to change the wording on this a bit next time to make things more clear!


Oh... I forgot about the PDF 🤦‍♂️


Next time we do the jam I'll be sure to make things a bit more clear to understand! :D


I placed the artists' names in game. But I can add them to the description if required.