Submissions open from 2025-02-03 17:00:00 to 2025-07-01 04:00:00
Submissions due in

Welcome to Ink Scythe's first Zine Jam!
Our goal is to bring more visibility for OC themed zines, since it's often rare for OC zines to be made!

Ink Scythe Carrd (18+) || Ink Scythe Discord (18+)

A Zine is a self-published art book, generally made and distributed by one person or small group of people.

A Jam is where you make your own stuff by yourself or with others and submit it.

- Submissions must be Zine related & related to Original Characters. (Fandom OCs do not count.)
- AI-generative content (includes images, text, audio, video, etc.) is NOT allowed! - art/writing must be directly created by you and/or your contributors.
- Submission Fields & the Zine's page MUST be appropriately labeled.
- NSFW is welcome IF it's appropriately labeled AND you are legally 18 years old or older! However your submission will be removed if it does not follow's NSFW rules and/or it contains "controversial content".
- You CAN submit old Zines!
- Solo made Zines are welcome!
- Zines that are not yet published are welcome! But here's the catch: "Inactive" (Abandoned) Zines and/or Zines that are made to abuse this rule will be removed from the jam.

Submitted so far(3)

All submissions
In Progress (1)
Finished (2)
SFW (2)
NSFW (1)
Digital (3)
For-Profit (1)
Non-Profit (2)

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50 different, new, and exciting ways to view Gummy!