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Falc37 published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
This game was developed for the mini beans jam 8. Theme: About: An old Fisherman goes Fishing in heavy Storm. There's a rumor that a creature is on the loose.... Will he catch some Fish and an make it back safely? Thats Up too you.... Tools...
johnconnor008 published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android.
Welcome! Find 6 differences in 3 levels in this PowerPoint game. Each level contains a picture with many objects and some animations to show some progression. GameJam and Idea: Game created for minibeansjam8 with the theme 'You shouldn't be...
Verburner published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
(This is a German game for a German game-jam) Steuerung erfolgt nur mit der Maus. Linksklick zum Bewegen, Rechtsklick um Leute anzubellen. Ein Arcade Spiel in dem man als Hund in einem Supermarkt so viele Punkte sammeln muss wie möglich, o...
ForTunesGames published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Out Of Bounds is a small indie puzzle game made for the minibeansjam 8. but after a few levels something weird happens E- interact/pick up Q- Deselct Esc- pause WASD- movement Space- Jump