A 3D platformer where you follow the legend to find the mysterious celestial civilization, fighting off cute monsters along the way. This is a sequel to a previous game jam project: https://daydreamstudio.itch.io/fortress-in-the-sky.

Controls (Keyboard and mouse only):

  • Move your character with [A] and [D]. Jump/Double Jump with [Space].
  • Hold [RIGHT CLICK] to aim. [LEFT CLICK] while aiming to cast spells
  • Hold [SHIFT] to block projectiles, pressing [SHIFT] right before getting hit will counter the attack.

The trees, grass and skybox are from the unity asset store. The rest of the models and effects are made by me.

Source code: https://github.com/0Xiaohei0/FortressInTheSky2


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Here's a playthrough video in case you are stuck.