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Cetacean updated a Cube-Adventure 5 years ago
A downloadable Cube-Adventure for Windows.
Added platform Windows.
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Cube 1 MB
A downloadable game.
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Cetacean published a Cube-Adventure 5 years ago
A downloadable Cube-Adventure for Windows.
A 2d plat-former puzzle game, Winner of [First Place] and [Best Design] of
A downloadable game.
Second place winner of the iThrive 'Get Along' Coopertation Jam! Aliens have invaded Earth. Build a line of colorful friends to fight them off! A broken game a little more ambitious than what I can make...
1urmg published a game 5 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
SteamedBunnies published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game.
Second place and Best Narrative in the Cooperation Empathy Game Jam with iThrive, 2018. Cooperate with others on a train to save someone.
asc767 published a game 5 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
This game was developed by Aaron Cohen & Amanda Kirk for the Get Along Jammit between Nov 9th & Nov 11th 2018 at the Tech Valley Center of Gravity (tvCOG) in Troy NY. It was built using the Twine 2 tool which generates a HTML file which can...
Omiya Games published a game 5 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Propel your boat through the magic of your voice and mouse-wiggling! Best played with a headset (so the microphone doesn't catch the music). Also recommend: 2 player co-op.