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Playing the game is letting it exist.'s pageGame Name
Playing the game is letting it exist.
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Team members’ names and socials
Stella Jacob - @stellaykv
Jinho Laborde
Short description of the game
A narrative game structured as an interview for a day trader position.
Market volatility, unethical decisions, support for polluting industries, and the militarization of technological innovation are part of the offer.
The game explores the semantic overlap between physiological resistance and resistance as activism. It frames the job interview as a 'resistance to violence' test, tapping into the player’s ambition to succeed, while simultaneously highlighting their gradual acceptance of a system in which technology contributes to violence.
But remember "Playing the game is letting it exist"!
Keymap and instructions on how to play it if relevant
Made on Decker.
Please use only mouse. (keyboard arrows might make it crash).
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