This jam is now over. It ran from 2019-07-12 13:00:00 to 2019-07-15 13:00:00. View results

Trouble converting time zones? Try this link!

Welcome to the third annual BUTTERSCOTCH SHENANIJAM, the official game jam of Butterscotch Shenanigans! We are inviting our podcast listeners, fans, players, game dev pals, and even wild internet randos to join us in a 48-hour game jam. Will you be there, or WILL YOU BE A RHOMBUS!?


  • July 12, 8:00am CDT: Theme announcement & Kickoff Podcast Minisode
  • July 14, 6:00pm CDT: Closing voice hangout in Discord with your favorite devs
  • July 15, 8:00am CDT: Games are due for submission!

*This is a 48 hour jam that takes place over 72hours to allow participants from a wider range of timezones the ability to participate without sleep deprivation.

Get a key for GameMaker Studio 2, thanks to YoYoGames!

We would like to thank YoYoGames, the developers of GameMaker Studio 2 (our engine of choice), for providing temporary GMS2 license keys for the Shenanijam for anyone wanting to UNLEASH THE FULL POWER of GameMaker Studio 2! Get yours via this link:!


Listen to the Kick-Off Minisode to get your creative juices flowing and kick-off your jam!

This year we have 3 themes to choose from, all pulled from our most recent podcast titles. Feel free to mix and match multiple themes - just make sure to note which one guided your creativity on your game’s page.

The Achievements

These are extra constraints you can throw onto your game to earn bonus game-making cred. They’re totally optional and tons of fun. Pick as many or as few as you like, or use them in your brainstorming session to push you toward a game concept. Be sure to note which ones you included on your game page once you upload!

  • Iron Triangle - Your game primarily uses triangles for its art.
  • INNOVATION! - Your game is a battle royale
  • Tis the Season - Your game has a season pass, makes fun of seasons passes, or has seasons.
  • Gameboy - Your game only uses 8-bit soundfx and is in the classic gameboy 4-color green palette.
  • Levelhead - Your game lets players build their own levels, maps, etc.
  • Sweet 16 - Use the standard 16 color pallete
  • Split Brain - A multiplayer game where everyone controls the same character.
  • Healthy Living - Sleep for 8 hours per night, get an hour of exercise, and only eat healthy food for the duration of the jam.
  • Buttersmooth tools - Make games the bscotch way: inkscape for art, gamemaker for game.
  • Mozart - compose your own music.
  • Totally Ethical Surprise Mechanics - The primary means of progressing through the game is lootboxes.
  • Ultimate Idle - The game plays itself on boot-up, and if the player does nothing the game will just keep playing itself.
  • Persistent Universe - Something about your game lives online, and every player can affect it.
  • One Punch Man - Your game is controllable with a single input.
  • Seal Approved - Some aspect of your game is controlled by the sound of claps and/or screams.
  • Franchise - Make a sequel or shared-universe game to your previous Shenanijam entry (must still incorporate the theme and be a whole new game)
  • Fourwheeler - Your team size is 4.
  • Tripod - Your team size is 3.
  • Tango - Your team size is 2.
  • Maverick - Your team size is 1.

How to Jam

Is this your first jam? Is it your hundredth? Either way, we've got loads of tips and tricks for you.

Discord Channel

Do you want a SOCIAL jam experience? Hop on into the Butterscotch Community Discord to showcase your progress and chat with other BscotchJammers while you crank out your UNRULY MASTERPIECE! It's open 24/7, and you don't even need shoes to get in. You can join the Discord any time, even long before the Jam starts, and you can stay as long as you like afterwards, too!

Team Formation

You can create or join a team through our page at crowdforge!


Want to show off your cool stuff? Tag your posts with #Shenanijam!


This isn't a competition in any important sense. BUT! Getting feedback on your work is a great way to know where you can improve. Games submitted to the Shenanijam will be scored by other participants of the jam. Scoring categories for the Shenanijam are:

  • Overall
  • Fun factor
  • Balance
  • Visuals
  • Music & Sound
  • Polish
  • Weirdness/Charm


After scoring ends, the Bscotch crew will pull down a handful of the top rated games and put together a gameplay video (with commentary) for the WHOLE WORLD TO ENJOY! Check out our video from last year!

Submission Guidelines

To submit your game, you will first upload it to using the normal submission method. Then, you will be able to submit your uploaded game as an entry to the Shenanijam through the Shenanijam's itch page (right here)! We will also ask for a link to a gameplay video or trailer.

Since the game upload is uncoupled from the jam itself, you can upload whenever you want! But the jam's submission button will stop working when the jam is over. So upload as early and often as you want, but not as late as you want, unless the latest you want to upload is early.

On your game page, please include which theme you used for your game. Code of Conduct

All submissions must adhere to our Code of Conduct.

Game Requirements

Submit your game in whatever format you think provides the best end-user experience. There's a huge variety of hardware out there, so it's always a good idea to target whatever is the most common configuration. In our experience, your game will get the most plays if it includes a Windows version and uses a simple mouse + keyboard combo, without requiring the use of peripherals (like gamepads). And even though VR is all the rage right now, almost no one (statistically speaking) has the equipment needed to play VR games. But if you have a crazy game idea that only works with 15.3 players using DDR pads and pool noodles with Oculus Rift on your own custom Linux kernel, hey, that's your prerogative! We definitely won't play it, though (and neither will anyone else). But ehhh... you do your thing!

Video Requirements

All game submissions will need to include a link to a  sub-2-minute Youtube video. This way, even if someone doesn't have the time or the hardware to download and play your game, they can still experience the magic you created! We have also added this requirement for your benefit; people will very rarely (or never) download a game that only has screenshots and no video. By having some video footage of your game, you make it more likely that people perusing will take the time to check your game out.

We recommend using Fraps or Xsplit to record video. It should be neither fancy nor theatrical; just a short video showing gameplay will suffice! When you submit your game to the jam, you will be prompted to provide a link to the video. 


Is this a competition? What can I win? Nope, this is not a competition. Even so, you will walk away having won the experience of a lifetime. The judging aspect of the jam serves two purposes: to help you understand how to improve for your next jam, and to help us find the standouts. It is intended to be friendly and useful!

Should everyone on my team sign up? You'll only be able to rate your fellow jammers' submissions if you have an account and are signed up for the jam. Plus, by signing up you'll get our emails with important jam details right in your inbox. Otherwise you'll be at the information-mercy of whomever is signed up!

How big should my team be? Can I go solo? You can make a game on a team of any size, though we have found that teams any larger than 3 people tend to get bogged down and have a hard time getting things done. You can also go solo if you like! We call that "Hardcore Mode." Also, if you die while making a game in hardcore mode, you do not respawn and we are not liable. We said it here, so it's legally binding.

What if I've never made a game before? No problem! There's no time like the present! For Shenanijam 2017 more than 50% of participants had never jammed before, and they all had a blast.

How do you even MAKE A GAME? We recommend Game Maker Studio 2 for all things 2d, though if you are already a decent programmer and are looking to make something in 3D, Unity will be more up your alley. Game Maker in particular is very friendly to newbies -- even people who don't know how to program at all! It also comes bundled with a bunch of tutorials, so you can run through some how-to's before the jam starts.

We use Inkscape for all of our in-game art needs, and we highly recommend it. It's free! Sam, our artist, has a bunch of Inkscape tutorials on our Youtube channel, so that should help you get an idea of how to use the tool.

For sound, you can use bfxr to generate 8-bit style sound effects, and you can find free music all over on the web. Our go-to site for jam music is But that brings us to the next point...

Do I have to make everything from scratch? You do not. However, as always, ethics are IMPORTANT! It is your responsibility to ensure that everything in your game is legal for you to use. That means you need to check the licenses on fonts, music, audio, code, or any other assets that end up in your game that you didn't create yourself. Be careful!

Can I use the Shenanijam logo in my game or in an article, or something like that? Yep! You can also use it to promote the Shenanijam and spread the love. We've put together a handy license for the Shenanijam logo. If you want to use the logo somewhere, check the license!

Where can I get even more sage jamming advice? Check out our living how-to-jam doc!

WAIT. I also have to make a video during the jam? But how can I make a game AND a video? If having to also make a video during the jam sounds stressful, don't worry. It doesn't have to be stressful! For our jam games we simply turn on Xsplit, boot the game to the title screen, start recording, play the game in a way that quickly shows off everything we did (with a 2 minute countdown timer running on one of our phones), then hit STOP RECORDING. We just upload that puppy right to Youtube and call it done! The whole process takes 5-10 minutes, though if you've never used your recording software or Youtube before it'll take longer.

Here's an example outline of what a good (and easy!) video might include:

  1. Optionally, your studio splashscreen (keep it short, because people just want to get to the gameplay)
  2. A few seconds of your game's title screen (optional, but title screens add a ton of polish and professionalism to your game, especially if they aren't purely static images).
  3. Gameplay! As quickly as possible, show off all the things that make up your game and try to give the viewer a sense of what it feels like to play. Remember, once your viewer has seen you do something once they will get bored if they see it again. It's better to have a short video than a boring one!
  4. Pop up your credits screen, if you have one, and let the video sit on that for a few seconds.

Some things to consider:

  • Voiceovers/narration are usually not needed, and often a bad idea. They require extra technical and hardware sorcery to exist at all (not to mention being of high quality), and your voiceover will need to be engaging to keep people interested. Definitely don't "explain" your game -- embrace the story-writer's philosophy of "show don't tell".
  • Don't show game settings, control schemes, or anything else that isn't interesting to a person watching a game. This video is to show what playing the game is like, not how to play it! The game itself should teach players how to play.