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My progress log

A topic by voxel created Feb 05, 2022 Views: 122 Replies: 3
Viewing posts 1 to 3

Thought I'd start a thread to share my progress as I go. My project is targeting some late 90s hardware, so I don't have access to shaders and my rendering budget is very limited, so I need to keep polygons few and blending minimal.

Beginning with the traditional single triangle to check rendering is working

A wireframe grid to represent the ocean surface

Some (animated) displacement to simulate waves moving

Finally apply a texture in the style of Zelda Wind Waker. It's very ugly in the distance without mipmapping, but this is a problem for later in the jam. The white square is a test object that bobs up and down with the water to test that I'm calculating the height of any given point correctly to allow for things to float on the water later

Went through a lot of backend changes, but settled on the MD2 format for models for various reasons. Here's the boat floating around just after I've added the mainsail and mainsheet

That looks very nice. Are you using an engine?

no, just opengl