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Saturday of Piercing Screams XDView game page

Saturday did not betray the legion!
Submitted by vetta_vetka — 2 days, 22 hours before the deadline
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I'm not sure what I just played, but I'm glad I played it.

This game has a funny kind of deliberate jank to it. I feel like you could submit this to some strange European art game exhibit and they might actually like it.

It's neat how the topsy-turvy camera plays into the game design itself. It's like, your character is super powerful - you can kill people and dismatle the environment so easily - but you die if you lose your balance. It genuinely feels like you're on drugs, like you're super-powered but incredibly fragile at the same time. It's like Hotline Miami turned up to its logical extreme. Some kind of hyper-violent fever dream, where each level and each death bleeds ambiguously into the next. I can imagine some RPS journos writing about this.

Also, I like how the main menu text changes each time you reload it.

My only complaints are:

  • I think there is no save support right now. When I exited the game, I had to start over.
  • The gameplay gets repetitive, because it doesn't introduce any new tiles or enemies or objects. The amount of polish and detail is really impressive (music/sound design especially), but after 30 minutes I felt like I saw it all. This is an art game, and it doesn't really have the addictive dopameme qualities of a normal game, so I think you need new content hold the player's interest (i.e. it's hard to keep playing just for the gameplay).

Прошел игру(вроде прошел, потому что начальная заставка пошла по-новой). В целом довольно забавно, хоть и раздражает, как платформы разваливаются прямо у тебя под ногами, или у тебя над тобой, когда ты о них ударяешься в прыжке, и ты начинаешь о них спотыкаться. Вообще этот момент, когда ты пытаешься забраться на гору блоков, чтобы осторожно столкнуть ее на пионера, напоминает меменые физические игры типа Surgeon Simulator или Octodad. Зачастую получается так, что пионер убит не благодаря твоим стараниям, а потому что физика так сработала.

Не совсем понятно, почему героиню начинает колбасить, если она слишком долго висит в воздухе, кроме как чтобы добавить игроку еще больше раздражения.

И опять же мне не хватает знаний лора ГД. Пионеры - это отсылка к Бесконечному лету, что такое Самосбор - тоже понятно. Но почему Самосбор - это замок, причем тут гражданская война и т.д. - неясно совсем.


I didn't understand Kotel, and I don't understand this Game, sorry.

I think I didn't encounter any Bugs, but I have no Idea whats intended and what isn't, so this probably won't be of any help.

It has the same vibe going as Kotel tho, so if you're going for that, good Job I suppose?


Played the game for a little while. Through my first 10 minutes of gameplay I had no clue what to do or what most of the things on screen were supposed to be representing. Naturally, the game was probably meant to look kinda shitposty, and that can work (considering cruelty squad's success) but for the game to be fun, I'd suggest you work  on tighter controls and better level design. I felt like I was battling against the game to be able to kill most enemies, rather than battling the enemies themselves.


I was enjoying it but pressing esc once took me back to the main menu, and I had to start over to the first level after that.


Thanks for reporting it!