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Glenn Essex updated a ritual 2 years ago
A browser ritual made in HTML5.
Updated page content. Set type to HTML5.
1 new upload: Play in browser
Glenn Essex updated a ritual 2 years ago
A browser ritual made in HTML5.
Updated page content. Added platforms Windows, macOS, Linux.
2 new images
2 new uploads: 7.6 MB 3.6 MB
Robbie Cooper published a game 2 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Spooky Sweets It's Halloween night and you're hungry for candy! ... But you're also a ghost. Ghosts can't eat candy! (Silly ghost) *sigh* Looks like you'll have to settle for SOULS OF CHILDREN again... How to Play Use the arrow keys to move...
Two Scoop Games published a game 2 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Created in just over 6 hours for the #6hourspookyjam 2021 hosted by Louisville Makes Games Game Design and programming by: Alex Bezuska and Eric Lathrop To the highest bidder go the spoils! What happens to the chest in town where over-encum...
Glenn Essex published a ritual 2 years ago
A browser ritual made in HTML5.
A game about throwing lifeless bodies off of a cliff. Let each body represent a negative force in your life and throw it into the pit. Click and drag each body from the red wheel barrow and release to drop the body. ***
A browser game made in HTML5.
Colton Ramos published a game 2 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Erin the adventuring ghost must help other ghosts solve problems preventing them from moving on to the afterlife. A game by Eric Lathrop and Colton Ramos Controls Arrow keys or WASD to move Enter or space to confirm Bugs Sometimes an imposs...
JohnInk published a Excel Game 2 years ago
A downloadable Excel Game.
A Halloween Excel game made for a 6 hour game jam. Unfinished. Meant to be an endless runner, but no collision.