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A jam submission

GroundballView game page

Guide the ball safely to earth
Submitted by Deplorable Mountaineer (@DeplorableMoun1) — 8 hours, 46 minutes before the deadline
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Team Name
Deplorable Mountaineer

Gameplay Instructions
Movement: ASDF or arrow keys

Jump: space or LMB

Pause game: ESC or P or Pause

Middle mouse wheel to zoom in/out

Guide the ball safely to earth. Small hits temporarily prevent control of the ball. Large or accumulated hits kill the ball. Ball respawns at prior checkpoint. There is no time limit.

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List any content that was created before the jam that was included in the final submission.
All assets created by author during game jam timeframe with the following exceptions:

Contents/Audio: "hit" was created a few weeks earlier; The other five music files came from

Content/Geometry/Meshes : 1M_Cube, 1M_Cube_Chamfer, and CubeMaterial from Rolling Ball template

Content/Materials/M_Ground_Grass_Modified is a modified version of the Standard Assets material

Content/Rolling/Materials: PM_Ball from rolling ball template; PM_Ball2 is modification of PM_Ball from rolling ball template

Content/Rolling/Meshes: BallMesh from rolling ball template

Content/RollingBP: PhysicsBallBP_Modified and RollingGameMode_Modified are modified from the Rolling Ball template.

The six textures in Content/StarterContent/Textures are from the starter content

In addition, a few Engine assets were used here and there.

Link to Gameplay Footage

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This is a super simple and pretty fun little ball rolling game. I like the idea with ball gets destroyed if it get hit too much.