Posted July 24, 2024 by Ember011
This Dev Log shows new features such as items, crazy colors, platforms that move and fall, along with enemies you can interact with. The items that you can find laying around are health and mana potions. Walking over the item will let you pick it up, once in your hand you can do a few things. Clicking q will send the potion flying into space while clicking your left mouse button will consume the potion giving you health or mana. The item itself finds a reference of the position and rotation of the players hand and attaches itself to that point. Hitting 'q' or 'letting go' activates the physics on the item which is what causes it to bounce of the floor. The moving platforms are pretty simple. Within the object there are two children of the main body named 'start' and 'end'. These points can be moved around the scene once the platform is placed. Within the blueprint for the platform navigates between the start point and the end point and then uses a function known as lerping which causes the to follow the path back and forth over and over again in a loop. The falling platforms make uses of a box collision to check when a play has stepped on the platform. When this happens a timer starts and after a little bit the physics of the platform is turned on which causes the platforms to fall. After waiting a few more seconds the physics is turned off and the platforms reset to their original position. There is a bug right now where the platforms instead reset to the worlds origin, which I think is caused by some mis-wiring in the blueprint but I'm not totally sure. Lastly the enemies, the enemies can be found around the map and when hit, just like with the falling platforms, their physics gets turned on and you can push them around. After a bit the enemy is then destroyed. Using an array to track all of the enemies, once that array loops through and sees that every enemy is gone, a timer starts for the next wave.