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New version 0.49 2/19/19! (EDITED)!

Out of Control
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Hello everybody!

This is update 0.49!

In this update, you now get difficulty! There are two difficulty modes, easy and normal. In easy mode, when you die, you don't totally restart! You only restart the level that you're on, not all the way on the first one, unless you died on the first level which I mean... okay let's move on! Normal difficulty is well, normal where when you die, you restart at the first level! That's the update for today! Have a good day everybody!

EDITED: I pushed a new version of OOC today which is also 0.49. This version included the saving of your level and progress in the game! Enjoy!


  • 190 MB
    Version 0.49.2924
  • 189 MB
    Version 0.49.2924
  • 186 MB
    Version 0.49.2924
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