Posted December 04, 2023 by Muzhiwaay
Right now I'm planning for later levels. They're going to be organized in the downloadable file by difficulty. Difficulty varies based on things like reaction radius, the size of the environment the level takes place in, and whether the player carries the proper equipment. There is a money system which allows the player to buy anything they can afford, even when its not recommended in the anomaly info sheet. It will be more difficult if they don't have the recommended equipment because it wont react at all, or the same way the recommended items would. There will also be different anomaly types, such as sentient, non-sentient/previously-sentient, and artifacts, and depending on the anomaly type, the player will have to neutralize it themselves. This all combined with the locations themselves, which could be a 5 room house, or a 3 floor, 40 room factory, plus any hidden levels, will likely take a while to finish. I'll update whenever I can, the next time will likely be after i finish all levels in the first difficulty.