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Pokémon Auto Battler - #Devlog 1 #Fan-Gam

Today I was thinking about what would be the next game genre I would like to study and I choose to study auto battlers!

I played a bunch of auto battlers in the past years and a couple of days ago I starter to play Super Auto Pets on Steam and really liked how they created this game and I decied to make something based on it.

For now I am using some Pokémon sprites as base sprites for characters because I want to focus primary on coding and design for this prototype and also because I am a huge Pokémon fan.

I started coding today and I have the basics single-player features working. The game has to sides, the player side and the enemy sides and they will take turns to attack the oponent.

The characters already have a life bar and a lifecycle handler, I will be addind features like in-game economy to buy units and a way to evolve the units to a bigger one like other auto battlers do.

This is the first time I am documenting in a Devlog and I plan to post some videos later.

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