Posted October 20, 2023 by AwesomeGameConcepts
- Choice highlight color when mouse over
- RPG test preview on choice and on continue button
- Roll dice UI + Reroll mecanic
- TypeWritting Effect on dialogue
- New title screen music
- Fix a choice when encounter David broke the story flow
- Monkey angriness is not good with actual situation
- Texts can be blurry
- Sometime the flow block
- Credits bouton not disabled
- Bad application name on Android
- Monkey sounds to noisy
- Time of the day sounds
- Main Menu strip block click on follow us
- Credits
- Monkey sounds fade in when character flee the camp
- The Navigation make agent exceed the destination
- Some text are not perfectly synchronized with the action.
- Optimised David and Anne mesh
- Dialogue UI
- Lower test difficulty
- Better loading screen
- Sky light