[v2.7] NECESSARY update for English version owners
With this new update it is fixed a bug of the English version, which soft-locked the player at some point in the story, preventing them to go further.
New version 2.7 available.
- Fixed the bug which prevented the player from taking the sheet of paper on the altar, making it impossible to proceed with the story.
- It is now possible to turn back to the room with the altar after leaving it.
Nuova versione 2.7 disponibile.
- Adesso è possibile tornare indietro nella stanza con l'altare dopo esserne usciti.
(Purtroppo non potrete comunque tornarvi se il vostro salvataggio è successivo all'uscita dalla stanza con l'altare.)
I apologize for the inconvenience and the troubles caused by these, now fixed, bugs.
Thank you for your patience. <3