Posted March 12, 2022 by Hellfire Railway Interactive (MadBaek)
[Content Updates]
-The voice act for Gretel is implemented. (Check the credit to see the VA)
-Poise of the bosses can be seen via the separated poise meter. It also shows the hyper-armor state of the boss with the color change.
-Some background arts are modified with more details.
[Hot Fixes]
-Fixed a bug where your spike-wave/chain explosion despawns at certain terrain.
-Fixed some inconsistent features where the bosses turn into brief hyper armor mode when they are in the turning animation. Now they don't turn into HA state in that period. (Except for UVMG boss. That boss's main mechanic is that 90% times, it's in HA.)
--Added more visual effects to clearly show that Gretel got hit by an attack.(She will turn into red when she is staggered, yellow when she got hit during HA or successfully parried something)