Project Strange 1.1.0 - Showcase
Posted March 17, 2018 by TheMatiaz0
#big update #update 1.1.0 #showcase
- Fixed a music that turns off in Get_Rekt() mission,
- Changed a Git-Bucket website design,
- Improved a Decrypter software,
- Fixed a bug with trophy notification on Desktop (Decrypter 3.0),
- Improved a "Important Notice" in Main Menu,
- Improved a Automatic Wallpaper Change system,
- Added wallpaper saving (when you change wallpaper or automatically),
- Changed icon of "Binary Translator",
- Added a "Square World" and "AntiRoot-Virus" as .zip files on Desktop,
- Added a ability to create a folders,
- Changed icon of "LackNet.iso",
- Changed position of "IRC Chat" icon,
- Fixed "Ping Pong" ball,
- Improved, redesigned Decrypter 2.0 fifth level and fixed a bug (that didn't allow the game to continue),
- Improved a Code Merge (changed names and icons),
- Cleaned a source code,
- Added a new side quest: "Ritual",
- Added two websites, one for side quest ("Ritual"), one for orders (collection of side missions),
- Now, GIF files will be taking less RAM memory then before (optimization for RAM memory),
- Removed a "Load Game" frame (related with save slots),
- Improved a "Nickname" frame (related with save slots),
- Improved and redesigned "Login Gamejolt" frame,
- Improved effects of Ending,
- Improved a "First Puzzle" mission,
- Improved Prologue,
- Fixed a resolution of wallpapers on Desktop,
- Added new wallpapers,
- Added a ability to change fonts of text under icons,
- Removed broken glass effect from Ending,
- Added seven new trophies: "Wait a minute...","Educated", "Jokes asides", "Good Ending?", "EXTREME Anti-Virus", "Oh hi mark", "Beginner"
- Fixed a multiline in a few edit boxes,
- Fixed autoscrolling in a few edit boxes,
- Improved "Your Computer" frame.