Posted October 24, 2017 by Juan Rodriguez
So the game has been under a lot of work lately. I haven't uploaded a new version because I hired a very talented 3D artist. I didn't want to put up a version with his art without paying him first. That being said, I completed the first payment for the assets he created.
These are the stuff I've added for version 0.4.0:
- added loot and upgrade system
- changed arena to be all walls
- new 3d model for recon
- new 3d model for grunt
- new 3d model for demon
- removed phisical properties of the rocket
- improved rocket guidance
- damage now extends beyond combat
- tweaked physics to make cars faster and more manuverable
- added incendiary ammo via upgrade
- added armor recovery via upgrade
- added ammo recovery via upgrade
- added main menu
- added end combat report
- added garage effects for damaged cars
- added possibility to delete characters
- added arena balcony
- added compass displaying enemies left to win
- added options menu
- added tractor beam
- tweaked all car physics
- balanced volumes
- added crowd ambience