The allmighty Necromancer was and still is, to this very day, my favourite class in all of the Diablo-Franchise!
Having a personal Army of the Undead at your deposal, raoming the lands in huge numbers, killing and assimilating everything and everyone that just remotely crosses your way just feels so superior.
And taking a really quick, first peek on the screens of "Right Click to Necromance" immediately triggered my receptors! I like the ArtStyle and I'm curious about the 2ButtonGameplay:
Is it fun and also kinda rewarding in any way? Or maybe just a bit to simplistic, therefore becoming repetitive and/or boring too fast?
But despite all that, you have a freaking Army of the Undead at your very own command! For me that's enough motivation to give "RCtN" a shot!
Maybe an IndieAdvanceWars? Have to investigate more.. now!
"The Shadows That Run Alongside Our Car" should be checked out immediately..
From what I've read about "Streets of Rogue" so far, I'm sure that checking out on how much fun the gameplay actually is, won't be a waste of time at all!
And I'm saying this, despite me not being a very huge fan of the ongoing percieved panacea for Videogames, PermaDeath!
Peeked my interest mainly because of that great PixelArtStyle Supercontinent Ltd. has!
Definatly giving this a shot!
To me personally, Zaar's ancestry and the overall presentation of the game allow only one real circuit.. Definately worth checking out!