All the games developed by me.
A spinoff of the Chronicles series taking place in 2035 AD (8,035 AC) Part of the incursion saga.
The first game in the Crimson Meteor Trilogy and the 4th major game chronologically. (not counting spinoffs) Takes place in 2950 AF (13,050 BC) on the continent of Nogarde. A remake of Meteo Chronicles.
A game unrelated to the Chronicles series serving as a mothers day present for my IRL mom. She never played it. :(
A pre-chronicles game I made that served as a predecessor to Chronicles I Epilogue. Very basic and filled with dead memes, even for 2016 standards.
A spinoff of the Chronicles series that serves as a midquel between Chronicles Calamity and Chronicles Meteorfall. Takes place 15 years after the crimson meteor fell in 2015 AF. (13,985 BC)
The old, outdated, original version of Chronicles Meteorfall. Part of the Meteo Saga.
An old, outdated game that would have been part of the Chronicles of Chronicles series if completed, serving as a spinoff of Chronicles Rebellion as part of the Grigori Saga.