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Develop your next 2d Action Platformer with this Asset Pack
Includes 40,000+ game assets including 2D sprites, 3D models and more!
16-bit Game Assets Kit.
All GameSupply content up to mid-2023, bundled together at a lower price than the new ALL-IN Bundle.
Improve your games' feel by juicing them up!
Free 3D Game Asset Pack for Commercial and Non-Commercial Use.
Free pixel assets from multiple games for dev to use. SPRITE SHEETS!!!
HUNDREDS of assets for your rogue like, adventure, rpg and dungeon crawler games.
16x16 tilesets for your top-down game
16x16 pixel character and tileset
Free 2D Platform Pixel-Art Assets
8x8 Isometric TRPG asset pack, complete with tiles, characters, enemies and UI!
Animated top-down assets for your futuristic project
Free Roguelike Dungeon - Asset Bundle (50+ Animations​)