demos are marked as demos.
no JRPG-y games.
no visual novels.
no babby gmae only shuut de gun.
pastebin for non-itch GOOD SHIT
only a few games per dev in this collection. check all the devs for more GOOD SHIT.
notable devs with lotsa GOOD SHIT:
Samperson, Tom Mulgrew, faxdoc, captaingames, auxiliarycarry, deepnight, daniel linssen (managore), ivysly, nothke, powerhoof, anuke, steelraven7, Remy Devaux(trasevol-dog)
and check this website out too they feature some cool ones
potential GOOD SHIT under review can also be found on my profile. please contact me to suggest more GOOD SHIT
(This list has 41 games. 1 game on this list has been delisted)