There must be some history among hypno games' devs because I see this refrenced in a few of other games not by Outbreak. Perhaps its just that good, I haven't gotten that far yet. A good portion of the art is done by Sleepymaid, whom I would expect to be known by all who consider themselves hypnosis art connoisseurs.
This game sets the standard for mind control conquest games. It is the what one expects, it the default. Don't misunderstand, this is an incredible thing when one considers their scarcity.
I do recommend cheating in money though. The alternative is grinding for berries and nuts to sell.
Has great potential to become my favorite. Very slow development
Really like the ability to use powers whenever you want. It really adds the agency required for a good dom experience. The personality alteration mechanic is really cool/hot, with different dialogue for every combination of start and end personality. Also includes tags such as genderbend, cowgirl tf, and dollification.
I should also mention that the combat mechanics are surprisingly deep and fun, which is good because I otherwise would've complained about having to grind for certain events.