2 player letter-writing game
For 2 players - writing historical queer letters (and other things).
For 2 players - a GM and a monster. Oneshot.
Collaborative map drawing game about borders and who we include and exclude. Requires d6s and something to draw on. 3-6 players.
Send postcards to your friends of kaiju attacking cities!
"HEARTMELTER is a collaborative play-by-post storytelling game where you can do anything except roleplay. You'll talk about your characters... but never as them."
2+ players. Reject humanity become goblin
Solo card game about exploration
2 player game based on writing love letters to each other as people from the past.
Game for 2; play as space ships and be gay!!!
Solo RPG about making constellations. Needs a pencil, paper, and standard set of dice!
"Twilight Song is a map-making and story-telling game set in the twilight decades of humanity’s era. Together, you'll tell the story of an immortal narrator living among humans in this time of change, wonder, and quiet loss."
Card game between partners/close friends. About vulnerability so very important to have everyone be comfortable!
3-6 players but most importantly magical girls game
Not a TTRPG; advice/guide zine.
Inclusive dating sim card game for 2-4 players.
Small TTRPG, takes about 30 mins. 1-3 players. Needs a d6 and deck of playing cards.
Micro-RPG; play as bi witches!!!!
Micro-RPG inspired by Jet Set Radio. 3-5 players. 2d6 needed.
Solo TTRPG about being asexual in some way, uses a tarot deck
Communicate with aliens and become friends.
2+ players, play as heroes in love <3 Requires tarot deck.
scifi, create characters, group, space and play in it
Return from a great Voyage. Based on Greek Myths.
GMless racing game, 3-6 players. Requires d6.