Games I've made in a shorter period of time for Game Jams / Competitions. Most of my Ludum Dare entries live here.
A game designed in GameMaker for the 214th Trijam, the theme was "Don't Shoot!" It placed 1st in the jam.
My entry for the 51st Ludum Dare, making it my third. Made in 48 hours from scratch in GameMaker. The theme was "Every 10 Seconds".
My GMTK 2022 entry. Built from the ground up in much less than the 48 allotted hours, this was my first go at a beta version of GameMaker. The theme was "Roll of the Dice".
I made an updated version of the game since the original release.
My Ludum Dare 50 entry, making it my second. Designed in GameMaker in 48 hours with the theme "Delay the Inevitable".
A game designed in GameMaker over 5 hours and change for Trijam 258. The theme was "right behind you".
My entry for the 53rd Ludum Dare, designed from scratch over 48 hours in GameMaker. The theme was "Delivery".
This is my first Ludum Dare entry. Designed in GameMaker for LD49 in almost 72 hours with the theme "Unstable".
My first game I posted on itch, but far from my first game. This was made for the HeartJam, designed in GameMaker: Studio 1 with the theme "Scarcity".