A game that uses real-world geography data (aka a perfect replica of today's world map)!
My most favorite and definitely number one in my priority list of jam games that I REALLY wanna play!
One of the metroidvanias in the GMTK Game Jam 2021!
I really want to play this game!
A game where the "dwarves" will do whatever they want and you want to "lure" them into doing the actions you want them to do...a good concept would be when we could swap the dwarves with Pokemon-like monsters!
Funny game of a pogo stick that bounces everytime it hits a surface and you can only rotate it but not control it directly.
Definitely a jam game with a really cool concept to play!
Unique concept and definitely could be expounded or implement different mechanics in it.
Cool rhythm-pumping space shooter that redirects your space shooter based on the location of your mouse and from the "beat".
A tail used as a shield and a hook at the end to take stuff. You can detach a portion of your tail to carefully place hooked bombs away from the player base!