Beautiful and peaceful looking.
Adorable little ghosty friend.
Hoping it doesn't end up as an Evanescence fangame.
Might be pretentious, might be fun. I guess that's why we're trying it.
Involved Daniel Linsen (Managore), must play. I have seen almost nothing of this guy but I follow him on twitter and adore whatever he shows off.
Looks pretty and mostly smooth, gives some Windwaker and Ico vibes. Hope it lives up to its presentation.
I need to play this with Steve. We will get so competitive if it's good.
Action puzzle game in first person I guess? Nice minimal style but could suffer from "Minecraft said I could" syndrome. We'll see.
I may end up watching a single-celled organism make more friends than I have.
Bikes? Bikes. Multiplayer too? Seems like a bike arena game. Whatever that means.
First, have friend. Then shoot friend with arrow.
I've totally seen this game in progress on twitter. Roguelike platformer with lighting mechanics? Very pretty.